
St Martin & St Mary Church ofEngland Primary School


Welcome toSt Martin & St Mary Church ofEngland Primary School


Admission to St Martin and St Mary CofE Primary School

We are very proud of our wonderful school and all that it has to offer.  We strongly recommend that you contact us directly to arrange a visit as we would like to show you around.  During the visit you will have the opportunity to speak with the Headteacher and other staff.  Please ring the school office on 015394 43622 to make a mutually convenient appointment.


In-Year Admissions

In year admissions are made through our school office and not through the County Council.


Applications to Reception Classes

Please enquire about vacancies and ask about applications at the school office.  Entry will need to be made online directly to the Council.

  • Email:


Admissions Consultation - September 2026

Consultation on St Martin & St Mary CofE Primary School’s Admissions Policy from September 2026


St Martin & St Mary CofE Primary School’s is consulting on its proposed school Admissions Policy from September 2026. We are required by law to consult on our Admissions Policy every 7 years and when we plan to make a significant change to these admissions arrangements. On this occasion, for September 2026, we plan to reduce our current Published Admissions Number (PAN) from 60 to 30.


This is for the following reasons;

  • Local population numbers indicate that the number of school aged children in Windermere and Bowness (and all of the central Lakes) will continue to decline over the next 5 years (and almost certainly beyond).
  • Currently we have 117 empty places in school. This will increase over time as our larger year groups move on and our smaller classes move through. This is financially unsustainable.
  • By reducing our PAN in Sept 2026, we can apply our Admissions Policy and have 1 full and affordable class in Reception. Over a 7-year period, we will become a prosperous 1-form entry school.


You can view the proposed Admissions Policy here;


The consultation period (7 weeks) opened today (Monday 7th October 2024) and will close on Monday 25th November to allow for the October half-term break.

If you would like to respond to either the consultation or make any comments, please email these to or write to the address above for the attention of the Headteacher and Governing Body by the closing date of the consultation period.

Further guidance on Admissions to Primary School
