
St Martin & St Mary Church ofEngland Primary School


Welcome toSt Martin & St Mary Church ofEngland Primary School

Art & Design

Mrs Cathy Hinkins is our Subject Leader for Art

Core Values - Love, Honesty, Faith


Early Years Foundation Stage - We offer children the opportunity to explore a variety of materials and experiment with colour, design and texture. Children explore what happens when they mix colours and use their imaginations to create their very own masterpiece. We look at the work of famous artists and explore different pieces of art.


Key Stage 1 - Children are encouraged to using a range of materials to design and make products creatively. Children have the opportunity develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination using drawing and painting regularly as well as sculpture, textiles, printing, collage and digital media. We introduce children to a range of artists and we also encourage them to explore their own creativity by recording in their own sketchbooks.


Key Stage 2 - Through teaching in art and design, we aim to equip young people with the skills and knowledge they need to produce artwork in a range of media, representing different images and ideas. Children will critique work by a range of artists and make comparisons between different styles. Children will use sketchbooks to explore, reflect and collect ideas using a range of media and work from other artist to inspire and shape their own artwork. They will begin to make more independent choices in the medium and tools they use to create their artwork.

Topic Progression Grid

Art & Design Subject Overview Grid

Year Group/Class


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Autumn 1

Autumnal art – Leaf Art ‘Leaf Man’ Lois Elhert (Nursery)

Georgia O’Keefe & Gustav Klimt (Reception)

 (drawing and painting)

Colour mixing (Rec & Nur)

All about me


(Drawing and Painting)


Natural Materials and Paper Sculpture

Andy Goldsworthy

(Natural art and sculpture)

Henri Rousseau – Drawing jungle animals, (Drawing / Collage/ Digital)


Van Gogh – Harvest

(Drawing - Oil pastels)

Ancient Greek Art

scratch art


Egyptian Artwork

 Drawing Hieroglyphics


Autumn Art – Tree silhouettes


Car and Logo Designs


Autumn 2

Christmas Designs

(Collage & textiles)

Rec & Nursery

Amazing Places


Christmas Decorations



Polar Bears (Drawing)

Light Colour/Autumn Art


Christmas Art

Cave art

(Drawing - Charcoal and pastel/ Painting - using natural pigments)


Christmas Cards

Ancient Greek Art

Clay pots

(Sculpture – Pinch pots)



DT – Car Construction

Spring 1

3D Sculpture


Child initiated


Design houses from Great fire of London

Space Art


Lights - Pastels


Mother’s Day art


Winter Trees

(Drawing, Painting- Colour mixing (tones) Various artists)


The Iron Man





Perspective (one point)


(Drawing and Painting)

Spring 2

Shade and mixing colours

Observational drawing & painting


(Pencil drawing)


Beatrix Potter (Watercolours)


Polar Art

(Drawing -Chalks and Pastels)


Light and Dark

Easter Art


Roman and Gaudi




Iron age medallions



Perspective (one point)


(Drawing and Painting)

Summer 1

Collage (nursery)

 collage/ inc digital/ Printing (rec)



Bird Sketches


Anglo Saxon weaving


Emotional Evacuees

(Digital, Collage)


(Painting - watercolours)

Escher style graphic art

(drawing and painting)


Summer 2

Observational drawing  (Rec & Nursery)

Painting using natural materials (Nursery)

Clay work Henri Matisse (Snail)


(Printing ?)







Natural objects


Heather Galler – Folk Art




Curriculum Progression in Art and Design


Drawing will be incorporated into most topics in every Year group.

Painting will be visited by every year group.

Sculpture, collage, printing, textiles, digital media will be visited at least once in each key stage area i.e. EYFS, KS1, LKS2, UKS2




Year 1/2

Year 3/4

Year 5/6


Hold a pencil comfortably.


Use a variety of drawing tools – pencils, pens, wax crayons and chalk.


Begin to explore different lines – thick, thin, wavy, straight.


Explore different textures and begin to experiment with marks to illustrate these.


Draw from imagination.


Draw from observation, noting elements such as shape & colour,


Talk about what they have produced.


Draw objects/people who are important to them.

Develop more control using drawing tools – pens, pencils, pastels, chalks, (graphite and charcoal)


Explore different lines – linked to emotions, happy, excited etc.


Find and record lines in the environment.


Explore tone though using different tools (graphite/charcoal etc) smudging, blending and hatching.


Add some finer detail when observational drawing, such as identify hair style and any identifiable features (glasses) when drawing a portrait/self-portrait.


Draw landscapes with some details – use term such as background and foreground.


Begin to layer different media – e.g. draw over pencil crayons.


Draw for a sustained period from real objects, including single and grouped objects.

Begin to use viewfinders to select areas for observational drawing.

Identify and draw shapes and patterns with increased accuracy. 

Draw with increasing confidence, adding finer details and at times, indicating 3D objects.


Study an object and draw small details using a viewfinder.


Create a landscape composition identifying the foreground, middle and background – using tone if appropriate.


Use a drawing media such as pencils HB-6B, graphite and charcoal to add depth and tone to drawings.


Identify and explore different textures and experiment with different ways and mediums to draw these.


Explore different lines from natural and manmade objects and begin to replicate these in drawing.


Draw a portrait/self-portrait with some finer details with several identifiable features – use tone to add depth.

Develop a drawing within a sketchbook and begin to annotate their own work – highlighting their thoughts.  

Apply tone to a drawing by observing light and shadows in a group of objects and explore ways of adding tone to depict this.


Use with confidence, a range of drawing mediums (charcoal, pastels etc) and identify why they have chosen them for a piece of work.


Use one-point perspective effectively.


Observe and add finer details to drawings – landscapes and portraits.


Use a viewfinder confidently to focus on small areas.


Use language appropriate to skills and techniques - pattern, tone, shape, line.


Discuss and evaluate their work and discuss the work of others, often suggesting success and improvement points.


Show signs of developing their own style using exploration and experiments in sketchbooks.




Year 1/2

Year 3/4

Year 5/6


Begin to hold a paintbrush correctly and apply pressure to obtain different effects – a thin line, a thick line.

Recognise and name the primary colours being used. Mix and match colours to different artefacts and objects. Identify colours on a colour hunt.

Begin to develop language of colour – lighter, darker.

Explore working with paint on different surfaces and in different ways i.e, hand and finger painting, painting on stones, 2D and 3D surfaces.

Explore working on different levels – floor, easel, table.

Look and talk about what they have produced, describing simple techniques and media used.


Experiment with a variety of media; different brush sizes and tools.

By Y2, develop and control the types of marks made with a range of media. Use a brush to produce marks appropriate to work. E.g. small brush for small marks.

Develop language of brush strokes – dab, flick, stroke, overlay.

Explore how to make different shades of grey with black or white.

Start to mix a range of secondary colours, moving towards predicting resulting colours and pink.

Mix a skin tone for painting self-portraits.

Develop language of colours – contribute to class word bank. 

Begin to explore watercolour paints by adding water and use techniques to create a painting.

Explore the work of a range of artists, craft makers and designers, describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines, and making links to their own work.

Discuss own work and others work, expressing thoughts and feelings.

Demonstrate increasing control the types of marks made and experiment with different effects and textures inc. blocking in colour, washes, thickened paint creating textural effects.

Explore ways of lightening a primary colour - using both white (making tints) and water.

Begin to choose appropriate media to work with. Use light and dark within painting and begin to show understanding of complimentary colours. Mix colour, shades and tones with increasing confidence.

Continue to explore use of watercolours linking to colour mixing and creating shades and tints and the effects of salt, working on wet paper etc.

Explore other paint forms e.g. acrylic and powder paint.

Use sketchbooks to collect and record visual information from different sources as well as planning, trying out ideas, plan colours and collect source material for future works.

Explore a range of great artists, architects and designers in history.

Discuss and review own and others work, expressing thoughts and feelings, and identify modifications/ changes and see how they can be developed further.


Confidently control the types of marks made and experiment with different effects and textures inc. blocking in colour, washes, thickened paint creating textural effects.

Mix and match colours to create atmosphere and light effects. Mix colour, shades and tones with confidence building on prior knowledge.

Know that mixing all 3 primary colours makes a range of tertiary colours (browns, khaki, greys) Adding black to a colour results in a shade.

Begin to work more independently, making choices about tools and techniques and medium they use to create their own work.

Use sketchbooks to collect and record visual information from different sources as well as planning, trying out ideas, plan colours and collect source material for future works Start to develop their own style using tonal contrast and mixed media. Annotate work in sketchbooks.

Explore a range of great artists, architects and designers in history.

Recognise the art of key artists and begin to place them in key movements or historical events.

Discuss and review own and others work, expressing thoughts and feelings, and identify modifications/ changes and see how they can be developed further.  




Year 1/2

Year 3/4

Year 5/6


 Stick and glue a range of materials such as fabrics, paper, cardboard.


Develop skills using scissors to cut paper to desired shape and size required.


Use PVA glue and glue sticks and begin to identify which glue will work best on different materials.


Demonstrate some consideration when placing individual pieces to make a collage.


Consider the order in which materials are attached.


Identify a feature of their collage work which they like and explain why.


 Use a range of media to create collages – newspapers, fabrics, tissue paper etc.


Use scissors or snips to cut a range of materials to the size required.


Cut, place and adjust individual pieces before sticking.


Explore techniques in collage such as tearing, layering, and overlapping to create images.


Make careful selections of materials for collage.


Talk about the process involved in their collage work and identify what went well.


 Design and plan a collage inspired by an artist of topic studied.


Making careful choices about the materials (colours, texture, size, opaqueness etc) selected to create planned collages.


Tear, cut, layer and overlap a range of materials.


Use scissors to cut a desired shape and begin to use a template for accuracy.


Consider the positioning of the layers in a collage.


Use techniques in collage such as tearing, layering, and overlapping to create images.


Talk about the process involved in their collage work and identify reasons for their choices.


Use collage in sketchbooks to gather ideas and inspiration for designs.


Tear, cut, layer and overlap a range of materials.


Arrange and adapt materials to improve the aesthetic appeal.


Consider how to affix collage materials depending on its qualities eg, use a PVA for fabrics, glue stick for papers.


Apply collage to a textured background of print, paint or drawing.


Incorporate their own prints and paintings when creating collages.


Research the work of collage artists and use these ideas to inspire their own work.


Talk about the process involved in their collage work and suggest areas for development.







Year 1/2

Year 3/4

Year 5/6


Mould malleable materials such as clay, playdoh, salt dough, sand and papier mâché.


Develop control when using scissors, staplers and clay tools.


Identify whether to use glue or Sellotape when joining objects together.


Build and construct sculptures using a variety of materials from their imagination and from observation.


Choose their own resources and identify their intentions before starting.


Look and talk about what they have produced.


 Manipulate malleable materials in different ways – roll, smooth, squash, carve.


Learn about sculptors that work with manmade and natural materials: such as Andy Goldsworthy.


Roll clay to an even thickness and use tools to impress and apply textures. (clay time)




Make a thumb pot.

  • Mould a smooth round ball.
  • Use thumbs to create an indentation and mould sides to an even thickness.
  • Use thumbs to smooth clay.


Understand the capabilities of some materials when designing their own work.


Develop artistic language when discussing sculpture such as using the term form to discuss a 3D sculptural object.


Discuss and learn about the work of sculptors and identify the materials used.


Use a range of adhesives appropriately for the task required.


Make a coil pot.

  • Use dried, unfired clay to make slip (clay glue).
  • Roll clay into ‘worms’ and use these to create coils of an even thickness.
  • Join 2 pieces of clay using slip and cross hatching techniques.

Add texture to a malleable material, such as carving into clay.

 Create realistic plans based on the knowledge of a material when designing their own work.


Develop artistic language when discussing sculpture such as using the term form to discuss a 3D sculptural object.


Explore the work of famous or local sculptors as sources of inspiration and used ideas from their work in plans and designs.


Discuss and evaluate their own work, identifying both areas of success and ways in which they could develop.


Make a slab pot.

  • Use a rolling pin and clay guides to roll clay to an equal thickness.
  • Cut 2D shapes accurately to create a 3D form.
  • Mix their own slip and join 2 pieces of clay together securely.

Use thumbs to smooth surfaces creating an aesthetic finish









Year 1/2

Year 3/4

Year 5/6


Printing with found objects, leaves, sponges, bubble wrap, hands, fingers, building bricks.


Rubbings of natural and manmade things – leaves, manhole covers, signs etc.


Simple one colour monoprints. Drawing with fingers into paint then taking a print off.


Understand how a print differs to other art & design mediums – it can be repeated.


Roll ink and begin to understand what makes a successful print (right amount of ink, even coverage on the printing plate, adequate pressure to obtain a good print)


Create a printing block using cardboard or art foam. Print one colour. Repeating a print to make a pattern.


Draw and develop designs for printmaking in sketchbooks.


Draw an image onto polystyrene Pressprint/ Safeprint and print this using one or two colours.


Make and repeat a print applying the right amount of ink, aiming to create several identical prints. 


Explore monoprinting as a technique.


Research famous/local printmakers and develop a design based on the topic being taught in school.


Draw and develop a 2 colour Pressprint design using stencils.


Create a collagraph print plate using cardboard, string or natural materials.


Explore monoprinting as a technique – experiment with creating different lines and tones by using a variety of drawing implements eg, a sharp pencil, pen, rubbing with fingers and palm of hand.


















Year 1/2

Year 3/4

Year 5/6


 Match and sort fabrics and threads based on tactile texture – smooth, soft, silky, bumpy, scratchy.


Begin to develop a word bank to describe textures.


Weave fabrics and threads around large objects such as a bicycle wheel, posts, fences.


Select and glue fabrics of their own choice to create a picture.


 Match and sort fabrics and threads for colour, texture, size and shape.


Learn different types of textiles such as weaving, collage, sewing, batik, tie dye.


Develop weaving skills on 2D surfaces such as using paper strips to create patterns in colour, or on a 3D objects, such as a wire shopping basket.


Cut and shape fabrics using scissors.


Have a go at threading a needle and join fabric shapes with glue or by stitching.


Apply finishing techniques to textiles work such as beads, buttons or threads.


Identify what they like about their work.

Use the names of some different fabrics – corduroy, denim, silk, wool etc.


Plan a weaving based on colours relating to topic areas, eg Africa, landscapes, water etc.


Use threads or strips of fabric on a loom to create a weaving from a design.


Use vocabulary such as warp and weft when weaving.


Explore a variety of techniques such as printing, dyeing, stitching and weaving to produce different textural effects.


Thread a needle and pull the thread through to an equal length.


Add embellishments to work using different stitches, buttons, bead, sequins etc.


Adapt and refine their work.

Make careful selections of fabrics based on its qualities and suitability for the task required.


Explore textiles artists for inspiration and plan a textiles piece linked to topic areas.


Use a range of techniques eg, printing, weaving, stitching, dyeing, silk painting.


Combine techniques to create a final piece such as weaving with dyed wool or stitching onto silk painted canvas.


Change threads and fabrics as needed.


Thread a needle and tie a knot in the end of the thread.


Discuss different textile processes and express feelings about them.


Evaluate their work and that of others and explain how to further develop a piece of work.








Year 1/2

Year 3/4

Year 5/6


Use a simple computer paint program to create a picture and explain what has been created.

Take a self-portrait or a portrait photo of another person.

Use a simple computer paint program to create a picture Using a range of ‘tools’ to create different effects.

Use ‘copy’ and ‘paste’ tools or similar to create patterns from duplicate images.

Understand how to use ‘zoom’ to show an object in detail – e.g. using a viewfinder to focus on a specific part of an artefact before drawing it.

Use printed images taken with a digital camera and combine them with other media to produce art work.


Use IT programs to create a piece of work that includes their own work and that of others (e.g. using the internet)


Take photographs and explain their creative vision.


Create a piece of art which includes integrating a digital image they have taken.


Take a photo from an unusual or thought-provoking viewpoint

Scan an image or take digital photographs and use software to alter them, adapt them and create work with meaning.


Compose a photo with thought for textural qualities, light and shade.


Have opportunity to explore modern and traditional artists using ICT and other resources.


Combine a selection of images using digital technology considering colour, size and rotation.

