
St Martin & St Mary Church ofEngland Primary School


Welcome toSt Martin & St Mary Church ofEngland Primary School

Year 6

Summer Term


The Summer Term sees our Year 6s experiencing a variety of exciting opportunities.


The children will be fully prepared for their SATs having recapped the Year 3, 4 and 5 curriculum, and also learnt new strategies and skills from the Year 6 curriculum. They will be very comfortable and familiar with the process and will be eager to show off their skills. Year 6 know that if they try their hardest, as they have been doing all year, they should always be proud of what they achieve.


Another highlight will be our two Outdoor Ed days: Easedale Tarn and Loughrigg. The children will use the map skills they have learnt throughout their school journey to independently complete an orienteering course.


Final preparations for our transitions to our secondary schools will take place through on-site visits, learning about managing big changes and welcoming visitors to teach us about these changes.


The Summer Term will be when we start preparation for our school production: we will conduct our auditions for parts and roles, learn lines and songs and create props and backdrops. Our performances don’t end there though! We will also prepare for our Leavers’ Service, where we will perform our original leavers’ song and dance.


So much to look forward to in their final term of Primary School!

Year 6 Meet the Teacher - 2024

Welcome to Year 6 Booklet
