
St Martin & St Mary Church ofEngland Primary School


Welcome toSt Martin & St Mary Church ofEngland Primary School


Welcome to Reception

Autumn Term


In the Autumn term the children will be settling in to reception and learning the new routines of school.  We will be learning about autumn and harvest and perform at our first harvest festival. During our golden time activities, the children will go on an autumn walk, make nature stained glass windows and explore our forest on site. We love to teach around the book 'The little red hen'. It incorporates our harvest theme and it teaches the children them about being helpful. 


In reception we do lots of learning through stories and books in reception so in the run up to Christmas, we enjoy fabulous topics like 'space', 'people who help us' and 'Christmas'. School is such an exciting time for the children at Christmas, not only do they star in the Nativity concert, the children get to do lots of lovely festive activities.


We look forward to sharing this special first term of school with you and your children. 

Welcome to Reception Booklet

We have put on a list of websites that we use in school for you to use at home.
