
St Martin & St Mary Church ofEngland Primary School


Welcome toSt Martin & St Mary Church ofEngland Primary School

Feet First - Eco Warriors

Eco Warriors


At St Martin and St Mary Church of England Primary School we care about our environment and like to be aware of environmental issues. Our Eco Warriors feel that they can have a positive impact on the environment by encouraging and sharing relevant information with the rest of the school community. We do this through our eco action plan and by having half-termly Eco Warrior meetings to share ideas and carry out tasks.


Our Eco Warriors are elected at the beginning of each academic year and we have representation from across the school from reception class to year 6. This group of children take on responsibilities such as attending meetings, sharing and gathering information with their class, presenting ideas in assemblies and carrying out tasks relating to the eco action plan.


Recent work carried out by the Eco Warriors includes:


· The creation of a new eco code of standards to adhere to- which is displayed around school.

· Encouraging staff and children around school to switch off lights, whiteboards, computers etc. when they are not being used.

· Planning how to best use our school raised beds. We discussed growing fruit, vegetables and wild flowers.

· Thinking of ways to raise funds for the maintenance needed on our school raised beds.

· Ensuring that each classroom has a plant.

· Working towards securing our next green flag award.


As an eco-team we also enjoy exploring our amazing school grounds to keep an eye on the wonderful plants and animals that we have. We like to observe the bird boxes, pond and bug hotels to see the biodiversity within them.
