
St Martin & St Mary Church ofEngland Primary School


Welcome toSt Martin & St Mary Church ofEngland Primary School

Year 5

Summer Term


During the Summer Term, we will continue to develop our skills as mathematicians with particular focus on reasoning and applying our knowledge. In English, we will finish our focus on The Midnight Fox before work based on the short animated film, ‘The Piano’ by Aidan Gibbons. Also, we will focus on imagery in poetry.


An exciting topic in Science is our study of ‘The Earth and Beyond.’ We will look at the planets of the Solar System and the children will be asked to complete an independent project on an aspect of Space.


Also, as the children learn about changes in themselves and their bodies, we will be having a visit from the school nurse, Donna Moore, who will run a session that supports the children in understanding the changes they will face and allow them to ask questions and share any concerns.


In preparation for the children’s transition to Secondary school, the children will be spending a day at ‘The Lakes School’ in July to give them a taste of secondary school life, whichever school they eventually attend.


In History, we will look at the invasion of the Vikings and the Anglo Saxon struggle during this time. How did this impact lives and what lasting legacy did the Vikings leave?


One of our most exciting topics is our work on Rainforests. The children will gain knowledge of the features of the rainforests and discuss the impact of man and the effect on the environment.


We are fortunate enough to continue with our flute lessons with Mrs Dickens and some of our artwork will be linked to our Geography study of the rainforests. In addition, we will study the work of a local landscape artist - Greg Howard - and create our own unique landscapes.


In the first half of the Summer Term, we have an Outdoor Day based around our local area where we will be developing our map reading skills and taking photographs for our next art session. Later in the term, we will be working in small groups to plan a simple meal, cooked on a trangia in the outdoors. The children will need to work within a budget and allow for different dietary requirements. 


An exciting term ahead with the added bonus of swimming sessions and Sports Day and a Swimming Gala to look forward to.


How will we fit it all in?

Welcome to Year 5 Booklet
