
St Martin & St Mary Church ofEngland Primary School


Welcome toSt Martin & St Mary Church ofEngland Primary School




We want the journey of reading and writing to be a magical experience for our children. Our curriculum ensures that a passion for reading and writing is at the heart of our practice and is celebrated in our learning environment. A love of literature is developed through celebrating nursery rhymes, poems and quality picture books which promote an ever-growing comprehension of language. Our children are inspired by the connection between the reader and writer and their fascination for the written word is encouraged through emergent mark making and their growing writing skills. Enticing opportunities for developing reading and writing are deliberately planned throughout the indoor and outdoor learning environments. A shared belief in the value of early phonics knowledge development between staff and parents / carers demonstrates to our children how important their development in literacy is. Our children and families are well supported by our fantastic ‘Anima’ phonics programme.
