Good afternoon to all our families
On behalf of the Sports Team, we all hope you have had a fun Summer break and have recharged your batteries ready for our busy and exciting Autumn term. This term will be action-packed for us all, with our school curriculum lessons consisting of Tag Rugby, Hockey and SAQ sessions. Please ensure your child is kitted up correctly and if at all possible, a sun cap, suncream & a lightweight waterproof for our always unpredictable Lakeland weather.
Please ensure you read the whole of the email to the bottom of the page.
Please contact us directly with any queries.
Our clubs are run by experienced sports coaches and professional assistants and a
lot of preparation, effort and passion is put into every session of every club.
Only a prompt response will ensure that we can continue to provide these incredible opportunities.
The fees pay rent, insurance, equipment and coaching costs.
Today your child will have received our new Autumn Term Sports programme and I hope that you take time to look through this exciting club calendar together and get ready to get involved.
Please be aware that there are changes to our busy sports programme due to coaches, premise allocation.
We have tried our very best to offer all year groups the opportunity to join a club and play sport. Once again, every year group has access to a free sports clubS and there are additional sports clubs which are available for a small fee. Our provision is unique in its provision of after school sport. The expertise, commitment and dedication from the coaching team are applauded throughout Cumbria. Please encourage your child to get involved.
Ensure you read the guidance below fully.
It will give you the information you and your children
will need to access the sport club activities.
RECEPTION, Year 1 & Year 2 Dance Friday - Miss Nicola
· Please let your teacher know if your child is attending the Dance on a Friday.
· Your child will be collected from their class. Please ensure your child is wearing their P.E kit that day.
· At the end of the session your child will be given a Dance Club letter. Please sign this and return it the following day with full payment to secure your child's place.
· Please collect your child from the upper school sports hall via Oldfield Road entrance at 4.15pm.
· Please ensure you park respectfully.
· Your child will need a healthy snack and plenty to drink.
Year 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Sports Clubs
· On the day of their sports sessions, your child will make their way to the sports hall at the end of their school day.
· If your child is in Year 1 & 2, they will be collected from class, please let your teacher know that your child will be attending a club.
· Your children should already be wearing their P.E kit. However, if it isn't their P.E day please ensure they have the appropriate kit in a kit bag all fully named.
· Please ensure your child has any additional kit that they may require for their chosen sport, for example, shin pads, gum shield, hockey stick.
· Your child will need one healthy snack and plenty to drink.
· Alongside the sports magazine your child will receive a sports club sign up form. Please tick the club/clubs required, sign and return it with payment to the coach at the end of the session the following day to secure your child's place.
· If there is a fee for the club, please hand the club letter sign up & payment to the coach at the end of the following session.
· Please collect your child from the upper school sports hall via Oldfield Road entrance at the correct times.
· Please ensure you park respectfully.
Academy Gymnastics & Acro - Wednesday
· Please ensure your child is in full gym kit suitable for this sport, no jewellery and hair tied back.
· Your child will need one healthy snack and plenty to drink.
· Please collect your child from the upper school sports hall via Oldfield Road entrance at the correct time.
· Please ensure you park respectfully.
· Please note, this is not a school club. This club is organised by Carole Quill & Miss Nicola Moorhead.
· Please email or to secure your child's place. We will then return your email and confirm your place and give you additional information about Academy Gym & Acro.
· Please ensure all monies for clubs are handed in directly to Miss Nicola Moorhead OR Carole Quill and not the school office.
Dance & Gymnastics- Miss Nicola Moorhead
Monday, Wednesday & Friday Private lessons
Please contact Miss Nicola Moorhead directly for more information on what she has on offer.
Calvin Moorhead
Please contact Calvin Moorhead if you have any questions.
Due to Health & Safety guidance we do have number restrictions to some of our sessions.
Thank you
Carole Quill & coaching team
Year 1 & 2 Gymnastics - Wednesday
Reception & Year 1 Dance Friday
Year 3, 4, 5 & 6
Academy Gymnastics & Acro
Dance - Miss Nicola Moorhead
Wednesday & Thursday Private lessons
Please contact Miss Nicola Moorhead directly for more information on what she has on offer.
Calvin Moorhead
Myself and the coaches are really looking forward to coaching your children next term.
Please encourage your child to get involved, be active and stay healthy.