
St Martin & St Mary Church ofEngland Primary School


Welcome toSt Martin & St Mary Church ofEngland Primary School

Year 4

Summer Term


The summer term is set to be packed full of learning, sports and outdoor activities!


Our main topic areas this term are Eastern Europe and World War II. In geography, we will be exploring human and physical features of countries in Eastern Europe, and comparing them to the United Kingdom. Our WWII topic will focus on the causes and impacts of the war with special attention being paid to the lives of evacuees.  


During English lessons, the children will be reading and completing work linked to the book, The Lion and The Unicorn by Shirley Hughes, this also links nicely with our WWII work.

Maths lessons will focus on the areas of decimals, measurement (money), time and geometry. We ask that all children continue working hard to practise their times tables, after all, practice makes perfect!


Science lessons will allow opportunities to investigate materials as they change state between solids, liquids and gases. We will also link our science work with geography by learning about the water cycle, with a special focus on the processes of evaporation and condensation. Later in the term, we focus our studies on living things and their habitats. We will explore the many ways that living things can be grouped by looking at and using classification keys.


The children also have sports day and the swimming gala to look forward to later in the term, calendar dates, which we all look forward to each year!


Please continue to encourage your child to read each evening, practise their spellings and complete any weekly SPaG or Maths homework. As well as this, your child should continually practise times tables and can do this on Times Table Rock Stars.

Welcome to Year 4 Booklet
